Focus Topic 4

Focus Topic 4: Digitalization: The powerful fusion of AI and IoT for sustainability

Focus Topic Chair:
Focus Topic Co-Chair:

Seddik BACHA, G2ELab Université Grenoble Alpes

Artificial Intelligence is, like in many fields, transforming the energy industry and in particular the electrical energy industry. AI covers tools and methodologies that are more and more applied from design to control or monitoring of electrical systems.

An immediate example concerns the integration of largely intermittent renewable sources of energy in smart-grids or the advanced control of motors. Next to this, sustainability is a constraint that should drive forward the design of conversion systems and AI will help finding cost-effective design-for-manufacturing solutions or optimize any proposal against a huge volume of more or less explicit parameters and risks. Sustainability is also supported by a tight monitoring of systems which can be very large and very complex. The implementation of sensors must be approached in a flexible manner and the Internet-of-Things can provide opportunistic solutions.

In this context, the focus topic wishes to bring together experts in the field to exchange insights on these challenges and to pave the way to a more sustainable electrical future. Applications, test-cases as well as best practices, innovative technologies, impact on system reliability or efficiency are subtopics, but the focus topic is not limited to just these.


4.a)  Digital Twins and Real-Time Simulation
4.b)  Use of AI in Power-Electronics Applications
4.c)  Cyber-Physical Security
4.d)  Data-Driven and Physics-Based Techniques
4.e)  Machine Learning
4.f)  Evolution of Power Electronics with the Introduction of AI


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