Tutorials: Monday full day
Tutorials: Monday full day (provisional programme)
Tutorial N° 13
Full day
(9:30 – 13:00
14:00 – 17:30)
Focus topic 5
Sustainable and affordable power electronics
Characterising GaN HEMTs & SiC MOSFETs – Device Characteristics and Characterisation
- Benedikt Kohlhepp, TU Berlin, Germany
- Marco Jung, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences & Fraunhofer IEE, Germany
- Christian Lottis, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences & Fraunhofer IEE, Germany
- Hauke Lutzen, University of Bremen / IALB, Germany
Tutorial Objectives
After providing a brief overview of GaN related device physics and explaining the fundamental datasheet characteristics of SiC-MOSFETs and GaN-HEMTs in comparison to Si-MOSFETs, this tutorial highlights the critical points regarding the characterisation of Wide Band Gap (WBG) power semiconductors. There will be a focus on the switching loss characterization, as it requires special attention. The influence of the applied sensing equipment on the measurement will be discussed. We investigate side effects of current and voltage probes on the DUT and provide possible solutions to get better results when characterising fast-switching WBG power semiconductors. The limits for the DPT method and estimates regarding the accuracy and applicability of the measurement principle are derived as well.
Tutorial N° 15
Full day
(9:30 – 13:00
14:00 – 17:30)
Focus topic 1
Reliability and Qualification of Wide Bandgap Automotive Power Semiconductors
- Layi Alatise, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
- Jose Ortiz Gonzalez, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Tutorial Objectives
Wide bandgap devices are increasingly penetrating the automotive market and are becoming prime candidates for implementation in applications like traction inverters or battery chargers. The mission profile of the traction inverter is a particularly aggressive one since the electrothermal stresses on the power devices vary significantly in amplitude and frequency as the motor drive goes through various stages of the drive cycle including acceleration, deceleration, stalling etc. Historically, the traction converter has been implemented using silicon devices where the performance and reliability is well known and understood. Application of WBG devices like SiC MOSFETs and GaN power devices in automotive applications requires understanding of the reliability and qualification procedures especially according to the automotive standard. SiC and GaN power devices have varying internal physics and modes of operation with vastly varying robustness and reliability performance compared to silicon devices. Given the sensitive nature of the application, these devices must pass stringent automotive reliability tests and guidelines defined by the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC), the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC-JC70) and the European Centre of power electronics (AQG). The objectives of this tutorial are
- Introduce the reliability and robustness requirements of automotive power devices.
- Understand the role of packaging and how it affects electrothermal and thermo-mechanical performance.
- Understand the physics of degradation and failure of power devices.
- Understand the peculiarities of robustness and reliability in WBG devices (SiC and GaN).
- Understand test methods and circuits used in assessing the reliability and robustness of power devices.
Tutorial N° 19
Full day
(9:30 – 13:00
14:00 – 17:30)
EMC simulation for Power Electronics
- Jan Hansen, Silicon Austria Labs & Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Christian Riener, Silicon Austria Labs, Austria
- Patrick Gsoels, Silicon Austria Labs & Christian Doppler Laboratory for EMC Aware Robust Electronic Systems, Austria
Tutorial Objectives
After explaining basic terminus and concepts of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), the tutorial shall give an overview of modeling and simulation approaches, typical challenges and bottlenecks dealing with electromagnetic interference (with focus on but not exclusively conducted emissions) for modern power electronics circuits. The workshop gives a structured guideline on how to build and run simulation models of power electronics with switching transistors, including SiC, and magnetic filter components like common mode chokes (CMC). The audience shall understand the goals and limits of different modeling approaches. Practical examples are shown, employing commercial simulation tools like Ansys Electronics, Dassault CST Microwave Studio, Keysight Pathwave ADS, PLECS, LTSpice, QSpice.