Guidelines for the submission of a provisional full paper

The Provisional Full Paper should consist of:

  • a 5 to maximum 8 pages anonymous summary, including an abstract with no more than 50 words. The topic number(s) and your indication of preference for dialogue or lecture presentation must be clearly mentioned. (Be aware that, if your paper proposal is accepted, it will be the International Scientific Committee who decides upon dialogue or lecture presentation);
  • key diagrams;
  • a references list.

The originality and the main technical improvements proposed in your paper must be clearly indicated.

If the submitted abstract and summary do not meet the requirements detailed on this page, they may not be considered for selection.

The Provisional Full Papers will be submitted over the internet, using the conference host website. A link to the website will become available from the bottom of this page as well as from

Authors of papers provisionally selected for presentation will receive a notification, and will be able to download the instructions for preparing full/final papers as well as dialogue and/or lecture presentations from this website. The final programme will be based on a review of the full papers.
The publication date of the accepted conference papers will be two weeks before the conference.

Instructions for Electronic File Formats:

Your efforts to follow the guidelines are essential in ensuring the proper working of the reviewing procedure. These guidelines guarantee the quality of the conference.

Below, you will find the guidelines for file and graphics format. A help desk, contactable by email, will be made available in due course. For your information, your file will be checked for compatibility problems and then put at the disposal of the Topic Chairperson, Co-Chairperson(s) and Reviewers for evaluation. They will download your file or receive it by e-mail. All operations require that the original file is compliant with the general guidelines. Please be careful if you work in a country using special fonts/characters: double byte fonts (Asian countries), east European fonts etc. The helpdesk will help you by e-mail to solve these problems, if necessary.

Paper Headings

The Provisional Full Paper will be headed by the paper title.

The chosen topics and sub-topics 1 and 2 will be indicated below the title, followed by the origin (University (U), Industry (I), University in collaboration with Industry (U-I) or Industry in collaboration with University (I-U)) and your preference of presentation (Lecture or Dialogue/Poster).

(No address, company name or the alike).

File Size

The Provisional Full Paper must be 6 to maximum 8 A4 pages and the file size (in .pdf format) should not exceed 5 Mb.

File Format

Papers should be saved in .pdf format.


The main text should be in two-column format !


Paper Title: Times New Roman 14 pt bold – Centered Spacing: 6 pt before, 18 pt after
Topics/Subtopics, Origin and Preference of Presentation: Times New Roman 12 pt – Left aligned
Headings: Times New Roman 11 pt bold
Body text: Times New Roman 11 pt
References: Times New Roman 10 pt
Formulas: SYMBOLS – MS Equation format – MathType Format


All graphics must be inserted in the .pdf document. Available file formats are: WMF, EPS, TIFF, PICT, BMP, JPG and GIF. Graphics, pictures and other non-text elements could increase unnecessarily the file size. To avoid this, graphics must be prepared at the right size and color depth before including them into the final document. Avoid cropping or other distortion to ensure a good printed quality of your document.

How to transfer your document to EPE’25 ?

You can send your 6 to 8 page Provisional Full Paper to the EPE’25 Conference by clicking the « Submit » button on the bottom of this page. This button will direct you to the technical site for the submission of your document.

Before submitting your Provisional Full Paper, you will have to log in into this technical website. Therefore, you might first have to create a profile, or, if you participated, you can log in using your details of the previous EPE’23 ECCE Europe conference. This information will be kept and used for further contact up to the final registration for the conference, so please pay attention to the data that you will enter here.

After you created/accessed your profile, you will have to click the button « Submit a new provisional full paper » and you will be asked for a submission access code. The submission access code is LS2508P15.

Only by typing this submission access code, you will have access to the next window that will allow you to upload your Provisional Full Paper.

Make sure your Provisional Full Paper is ready for upload and reviewing before starting the process.

Please double- and tripple-check your document to avoid multiple file changes.


Intending authors should note the following deadlines:

  • Provisional Paper Submission – FINAL & ULTIMATE Deadline: Thursday, the 3rd of October 2024 (Update)
  • Notification of provisional acceptance: Friday, the 15th of November 2024
  • Final Paper Submission Deadline: Tuesday, the 31st of December 2024


  • You can download the EPE’25 List of Keywords by clicking HERE.


  • You can download a MS Word-template by clicking HERE.
  • You can download a LaTeX-template by clicking HERE.

Don’t forget that the Provisional Full Paper must be submitted in PDF-format, and that it must be anonymous. No indication of the author(s) may appear in the document. (No address, company name or the alike).


Presentation of Papers

The accepted EPE’25 contributions will be presented either as a lecture presentation or as a dialogue presentation. A manuscript must be submitted in English in both cases for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings (electronic version only). Papers for lecture sessions will be strictly limited and selected on the basis of wide audience appeal, ease of understanding and potential stimulation of broad ranging discussion.

No lecture session will be organized during the dialogue session timeslots!

The working language of the conference is English, which will be used for all printed material, presentations and discussions.

The provisional programme and registration form will be available from the Internet site late fall 2024.