Technical Visit 1 – RTE
Technical Visit 1 – RTE Paris Electrical System Operations Center (COSE-P)
Date: Morning of April 4th, 2025
Location: Paris Electrical System Operations Center (COSE-P)
22 Bd Finot, 93200 Saint-Denis, France
Contact: Alessio IOVINE alessio.iovine@centralesupelec.fr
please download the word doc, fill it out and send it together with your valid passport and VISA to Alessio IOVINE after your registration and before 22 February 2025.
Important Information:
- Limited Spots: The visit is limited to max 30 participants.
The visit will only take place if minimum 5 participants are registered. - ID Requirement: Scans of the ID cards (the same ID to be presented on the day of the visit) must be submitted to RTE 3 weeks before the visit for security clearance.
Use the link above to send the email with your valid passport and VISA to the contact person.
Agenda for the Visit:
- 9:00 AM – Arrival and Security Check:
Attendees will meet at 9:00 AM in loco to enter the facility. Please ensure you bring the same ID card that you submitted in advance for the security check. - 9:15 AM – Coffee
- 9:30 AM – Facility Tour:
Presentation of the operation of the French and European electrical system, followed by a tour of the control room H24 (dispatching). - 12:00 PM – End of Visit
Presentation of RTE and the Paris Electrical System Operations Center (COSE-P)
RTE operates the high and extra-high voltage electricity transmission network in mainland France, ensuring the continuous flow of electricity 24/7 (with voltages of 400, 225, and 63 kV). RTE plays a crucial role in balancing electricity supply and demand by transmitting electricity from producers to distributors, industrial clients, and railway companies. Cross-border exchanges with neighboring countries are managed through interconnections.
To manage the national balance and access to other European countries, RTE operates the Paris Electrical System Operations Center (COSE-P)—a central hub that acts as the control tower of the electricity transmission network. The COSE-P also oversees RTE’s networks in the Île-de-France, Normandy, Eastern, and Northern regions of France.
The balance between electricity supply and demand in mainland France is maintained through market mechanisms approved by the French energy regulator (CRE) and aligned with European directives. The COSE-P manages operations from two weeks ahead of real-time all the way to real-time execution.
Key facts about the COSE-P:
- 150 operators (dispatchers) work in shifts around the clock, 24/7, to monitor and direct electricity flows on the network’s “highways.” They ensure the balance between supply and demand by closely monitoring the frequency of the grid.
- The team also implements European market mechanisms to manage electricity exchanges with neighboring countries.
We look forward to welcoming you for this in-depth look at one of the most critical components of France’s electricity infrastructure.