Technical Visit 2 – Synchrotron CEA
Technical Visit 2 – Synchrotron CEA
Date: Morning of April 4th, 2025
Location: Synchrotron Soleil CEA,
L’Orme des Merisiers Départementale 128, 91190 Saint-Aubin
Contact: Tanguy PHULPIN Tanguy.Phulpin@centralesupelec.fr
please download the word doc, fill it out and send it together with your valid passport and VISA to Tanguy PHULPIN after your registration and before 22 February 2025.
Important Information:
- Limited Spots: The visit is limited to 30 participants and min 5 participants
- ID Requirement: Scans of the ID cards (the same ID to be presented on the day of the visit) must be submitted to CEA 3 weeks before the visit for security clearance.
Use the link above to send the email with your valid passport and VISA to the contact person.
Agenda for the Visit:
- 9:00 AM – Arrival and Security Check:
Attendees will meet at 9:00 AM in loco to enter the facility. Please ensure you bring the same ID card that you submitted in advance for the security check. - 9:15 AM – Coffee
- 9:30 AM – Facility Tour:
Synchrotron explanation with presenters and a focus on power electronics in such systems - 10:30 PM – Visit of the synchrotron soleil
- 12:00 PM – End of Visit
Presentation of Synchrotron Soleil (https://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr/en)
SOLEIL is one of France’s Très Grandes Infrastructures de Recherche (TGIR) (Very Large Scale Research Infrastructures), i.e. tools with unique features required for high-level research activities, open to any scientific community wishing to use them, and accessible on the basis of project excellence. SOLEIL, located at the heart of the Paris-Saclay science cluster, is a civil company jointly founded by CNRS and CEA.
More concretely, SOLEIL produces synchrotron radiation, an extremely bright light that can be used to explore inert or biological matter down to the atomic scale, thanks to particle accelerators (electrons). The light produced covers a wide range of wavelengths (from infrared to X-rays) and is used in experimental facilities known as “beamlines”.
SOLEIL’s missions are, as described in the company’s charter:
- To build and operate a synchrotron radiation source and associated experimental facilities
- To conduct research programs using this synchrotron radiation, and to develop its applications
- Make its facilities available to interested national, European, and international scientific communities, and encourage their use by them
In this presentation, we are dealing with femto to pico amps and electromagnets which need current to work until 600Amps DC. Special kinds of electromagnets are also used for injecting and extracting the beam with range of few 100 to few 1000 Amps pulsed during nanoseconds. It is required accuracy and reproductibility to 100 ppm values.