Technical Visit 3 – IFPEN Laboratory
Technical Visit 3 – IFPEN Laboratory
Date: Morning of April 4th, 2025
Location: IFPEN Laboratory, 1-4 Av. du Bois Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, accessible with RER A
Contact: Tanguy PHULPIN Tanguy.Phulpin@centralesupelec.fr
Important Information:
- Limited Spots: The visit is limited to 30 participants and min 5 participants
Agenda for the Visit:
- 9:00 AM – Arrival and Security Check:
- 9:15 AM – Coffee
- 9:30 AM – Facility Tour:
- 10:30 PM – Visit of the platforms
- 12:00 PM – End of Visit
Presentation of IFPEN Laboratory (https://www.ifpenergiesnouvelles.fr/)
IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major player in research and training in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From scientific concepts in fundamental research to technological solutions in applied research, technological innovation is at the heart of its action.
We are proposing a visit concerning with the settings on electrical energy, from the component (electronic, motor, battery) to the system (electrical vehicle). Concretely, 5 platforms are visitable:
- Power electronic and test bench;
- Electrical motors and test bench;
- Battery and thermal runaway;
- Electrical vehicle test bench (electronic and motor) to 500 kW;
- Vehicle characterization.