Guidelines to submit a final full paper
EPE'25 Conference: Author's kit for FINAL papers
How to submit a FINAL paper
Contact nancy.langsberg@vub.be for any further information
This page will help you to prepare and submit your final full paper for the EPE’25 conference.
The deadline to upload your FINAL full paper is : MONDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2025
Full papers presented at the EPE’25 conference will be included in open access and will appear as online available papers (with DOI). The conference papers will be sent for indexing to the scientific databases, such as Google Scholar.
After having checked your full paper, you must upload it into the EPE’25 Conference submission system for inclusion in the EPE’25 Conference proceedings.
This requires that you have registered for the conference and that your payment was received. Hence, we strongly recommend that you pay by Credit Card.
Steps to create and submit your EPE'25 conference full paper:
- Write your paper according to the instructions stated below. Keep eventual comments from the reviewers and/or topic chairs about your provisional full paper in mind.
- Register and pay for the EPE’25 Conference. We advise to do this well on time and we strongly recommend to pay by credit card!
- Upload your full paper into the EPE’25 Conference submission system.
- (4a) If you are the author as well as the presenter of the paper, please complete the « I will be a speaker »-part of the submission system, or;
(4b) If you are the author, but not the presenter of the paper, please motivate the person who will present the paper to register for the conference and to complete the « I will be a speaker »-part of the submission system.
TIP: The person who will present the paper at EPE’25 conference, should register for the conference and upload the full paper.
Step 1: Write your EPE'25 Conference paper
Main Title: TIMES NEW ROMAN 14 Bold
Centered Spacing: 6pt before, 18 pt after
City, Country
Telephone number / Fax number
E-Mail address
URL (if any)
(Author Information: TIMES NEW ROMAN 12pt Centered)
(If there are multiple authors from different companies / institutions: put the addresses next to each other)
- General Information
The main text should:
- be in two-column format
- have justified alignment
- and have 0,7 cm spacing between the columns !
- Acknowledgements (optional)
The acknowledgements directly follow the author information (TIMES NEW ROMAN 11pt)
- Keywords
Please insert the keyword-list for your document (seperated with « ». Keywords are limited to the attached list: CLICK HERE).
- Abstract
Start the abstract on this page, below the keywords. Body text: TIMES NEW ROMAN 11pt.
Type Abstract (First Level head style), then the body of your text with a maximum of 20 lines
- Margins
Set your top, left, right and bottom margin to 2,5 cm.
- Styles
First-Level Heads (Style Header 1)
First-level heads are TIMES NEW ROMAN 14 points Bold, in upper and lower case.
Spaces before are set to 12, spaces after to 6.
First-level heads should not be more than 1 line.
Second-level Heads
Second-level heads are TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 point Bold, in upper and lower case.
Spaces before and after are set to 6.
Second-level heads should not be more than 1 line.
Third-level Heads
Third-level Heads are TIMES NEW ROMAN 11 point Bold, in upper and lower case.
Spaces before and after are set to 6.
Normal style
Normal style is TIMES NEW ROMAN 11 points, justified alignment.
- Lists
- To format bullet lists, use the style « Bullets 1 »
- For multi-level bulleted lists, use normal indentation
To format numbered lists, use the style « numbers ».
- Single space each item
- For numerals, use English standards
- …
- Equations
For equations, use the style Equations: Normal with 0,4 Inch (1cm) left indent.
In equations, you can mix TIMES and SYMBOL fonts (11 points).
You can also use the MS-EQUATION (v. 2 or higher) format or MathType format.
The equations need to be numbered successively on the right hand side of the page.
- References
References are in TIMES 10 pt. Space before and after must be set to 3 points.
Entries in reference lists are numbered and correspond to text citations.
They precede punctuation within square brackets: ex.: [1]
Do not use superscript to preserve legibility.
For example:
[1] Vanderkeyn Ralf W.: Example of fast switching component, EPE Journal Vol. 20 no 5, pp. 48-56
[2] Deboe B.D.: A novel type of grid converter, EPE 2011, paper 0321
[3] Perret F.: Development of GaN diodes for high voltage applications, EPE Journal Vol. 19 no 6, pp. 63-72
- Figures and Tables
Figures must be numbered as referred to in the text. They must have an explicit caption (normal style).
Fig. 1: Typical figure caption
Tables will have a title (Second-level Heads) and be numbered using Roman numerals.
(ex.: Table I, Table II, …)
- Paper Length
The Final Full Paper should not exceed 10 pages, with the references on page 11 (at max).
Step 2 – 3 - 4: Register for the EPE'25 Conference, pay und upload your full paper
Before you are able to upload your final full paper, you must register and pay for the conference and your payment must have been received. Only then the upload possibility will be set available to you.
Therefore, we strongly advise to pay by Credit Card. If you pay by any of the other means, such as wire transfer, the possibility to upload will only become available when the money has been received. You will be informed about this by e-mail, but be aware that wire transfers can take time and that the deadline is approaching fast!
To register for the EPE’25 conference, go to the EPE’25 registration website (will be published soon), create an account and/or log in, click « Register » and follow the procedure.
If you are the author as well as the presenter of the paper, do not forget to complete the « I will be a speaker » -part of the submission system.
If you are the author, but not the presenter of the paper, please motivate the person who will present the paper to register for the conference and to complete the « I will be a speaker »-part of the submission system.
TIP: The person who will present the paper at the EPE’25 conference should register for the conference and upload the final full paper.
EPE’25 Conference: Author’s kit – downloads:
- Download the MS Word (.docx)-template
- Download the List of Keywords
- Download the guidelines to submit a final paper