Tutorials – Call for Proposals

Tutorials – Call for Proposals

Several tutorials will be held prior to the EPE´25 conference. Scholars and experts willing to propose a tutorial at EPE´25 are invited to send a proposal to the scientific secretariat:

EPE Association
Pleinlaan 2, Boulevard de la Plaine
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
E-mail: Philippe.Hamacher@vub.be

The proposals must have reached us at the latest on Thursday October 3rd, 2024.

The proposal consists of a three-page summary including tutorial title, name and affiliation of the lecturer(s), tutorial objectives and audience, topical outline and provisional schedule of the tutorial.

The tutorials will be organized on Monday, the 31st of March 2025 and eventually also on Friday the 4th of April 2025.

Tutorial proposals related to all conference topics are welcome.

A tutorial proposal template is available: DOWNLOAD HERE.